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  • I just have to concur with @Mumbly here, save yourself a lot of time and just go with irssi. I've been on irc since before it was even called irc so I have tried just about every client out there, and I always come back to irssi. There have been p…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by rcy026 March 22
  • (Quote) https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/q6k9md/ircfreenode_this_is_not_a_hostile_takeover_says/ Andrew was a really nice guy until he got rich, then something happened and he lost it completely.
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by rcy026 March 18
  • (Quote) That's nice, but I said Hestia, not Vesta. Only thing I know about Vesta is that they were plagued with a lot of security issues and the guy running it didn't seem to care. Never tried MyVesta but hopefully they can get something good out of…
  • (Quote) Fastpanel, it's really impressive for a free panel and has web, dns, ftp and mail. If you only want web CloudPanel is not bad. I would love to be able to say Hestia but it's 2024 and they still do not support ipv6, so that project is dead.
  • Cloudflare has a really good and easy explanation of it: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/network-layer/what-is-an-autonomous-system/ And no, most people do not have an ASN, most people are completely unaware of the existence of ASN's since it d…
  • (Quote) A lot of things are called panels, I have wetwall panels in my bathroom but they suck at configuring hosting. Also, OpenPanel sucks at stopping water and moist, as do cPanel and most of the other hosting panels. Seriously, a word like 'pane…
  • There are some seriously stupid mistakes, like trying to execute /usr/local/admin/scripts/db.sh when it is in fact called /usr/local/admin/scripts/db. This is not third party or external, this is your own script, and you don't even know the correct …
  • Made a new attempt today with a clean installation. The character set problem seems to be fixed, but now I get some new errors. Tweaking MySQL configuration..Populating the 'panel' database..Database is ready.Docker is configured.Cleaning up../dev/…
  • root@hs:~# opencli admin password admin secret_passwordTraceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/admin/core/users/hash.py", line 2, in <module> from pyarmor_runtime_000000 import __pyarmor__ModuleNotFoundError: No modul…
  • (Quote) I looked at the script and it seems to allow all traffic from the ip that the user running the script is logged in from, that's probably what saved you. 451: ufw allow from $ip_of_user_running_the_script > /dev/null 2>&1 I…
  • Just tried it on a clean Ubuntu install. Something is f*cked with the character sets, some text come out unreadable. (Image) The install script blocks ssh in the firewall. This is not a nice surprise when working remote, the installer should ask …
  • Is it just me or is the demo not working?
  • (Quote) They've been doing so for close to 10 years now, and I promise you they will continue. You see, consumer ISP's are companies, they are driven by profit. Most consumer ISP compete by price, consumers simply want the cheapest deal available t…
  • (Quote) My ISP hands out free /48 ipv6, but you have to pay if you want a ip4 without cgnat. Most ISP's around here have been running ipv6 for a decade and I've never heard of a single one charging extra for it.
  • (Quote) "People" does not care or even know what they run, as long as they get to Youtube and Tiktok they do not give a shit. But anyway, adoption is happening, over 40% of all traffic is ipv6 and it's growing rapidly. It will take time, t…
  • It depends a lot on what kind of job you are looking for. If you are a developer, a github repo and a good LinkedIn profile probably adds more weight than a personal website. If you're a model a personal website with a portfolio is probably more int…
  • (Quote) Collectd can write to both Influx and Graphite, so I suggest you just pick one and let that be the collection point for everything. Just setup a Graphite, let collectd feed it and read from it with both Graphana and Riemann.
  • (Quote) https://github.com/faxm0dem/grafana-riemann-websocket-datasource/ Or wait, you want the other way around, take data from Grafana and send events to Riemann? That's actually kind of moot since Grafana does not generate or store data itself, …
  • In my opinion, the "double bandwidth" trick is exactly the same as influencers buying views from a click farm. It's a way to manipulate the figures to look more interesting than you actually are. Just like influencers that cant get enough …
  • Do not forget the "hybrid" path, you can run a master that you control and have the slaves hosted elsewhere, like HE.net. That way you can edit zonefiles or whatever it is that you want to do, but your infrastructure is still redundant and…
  • (Quote) Haha, I hear you, I often have to stop and think "then or than" and I still get it wrong. :lol:
  • (Quote) Are you trying to say that valid licenses contains backdoors?
  • I used to warez everything, was even part of a group for a few years, but that's like 20 years ago. Nowadays, I cant be bothered. I have more money than time so I'd rather pay a few hundred dollars than muck around for an hour.
  • (Quote) Well, yes and no. There are a lot of solutions that claim to use AI, but not a lot of them actually do. I've been in the callcenter industry for decades, the amount of bullshit and buzzwords in that industry is simply mindboggling. But solu…
  • (Quote) This, I could not agree more. A wild guestimate is that 95 out of a 100 tickets are "no brainers", questions that should not even need to generate a ticket in the first place. If using AI can immediately and effectively answer 90 o…
  • I think it depends on how they use it. If they use it to get proper grammar and translation while describing their services and offerings correctly, then go for it. If they use it to whip up a bunch of marketing bullshit oozing with buzzwords and m…
  • Maybe not a top 5, just see it as a list of providers and my opinion. Terrahost - Used to be a favorite. Awesome performance and stable as hell. Unfortunately, acquired by epik and it can only go downhill from here. Hosthatch - Had some ipv6 stabil…