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  • My answer to this is the same as before. That isn't academic debate. In reality, we both understand the meaning better (superior in terms of features, customization, maturity of product, etc) from a tech aspect in those debates on a tech forum. Anyt…
  • (Quote) ... just like with any other web hosting control panel, even the free ones.
  • (Quote) Yeah, it definitely depends on the definition of "better". For example, "it have less featues and it's less customizable, but many people who are interested in wordpress only don't need all that anyway" doesn't make it su…
  • (Quote) People vote for what they use, not what's better. cPanel is superior to DA, but due to cPanel's drastic price increase, more and more hosts have started to offer DA web hosting. So, there's that.
  • (Quote) Do you even care about what you actually get for your money, or are the numbers listed in the offers the only factors that interest you? You can get more out of a semi-decent 1-2 GB memory VPS than C1V specs VPS, so...? There are PLENTY of …
  • (Quote) That's a strawman argument I am willing to challenge anytime. People at LES/LET don't look for premium service - we are looking to pay as little as possible for a DECENT (decent != premium) service. And in most cases, with some common sense…
  • It looks like my VPS root password has just been automatically (?) reset via the control panel, and I received a notification via email (I did not request a change). I don't believe my Aeza billing account was compromised, considering I use two-fact…
  • Yeah, but at first I added it only to Uptimerobot with a 5-minute check interval, so I can't be 100% sure in case something happened in between. My PHP Server Monitors will provide more accurate results. The server appears to be okay for the price,…
  • I usually refrain from commenting on services I've only used for a short period, but after 3 weeks I must say that for the price I pay for a KVM VPS in Texas, this might be a really good catch. So far, everything seems alright, zero issues.
  • (Quote) Yeah, and I was kind of an IRCnet homer, which was somehow logical considering the geographical orientation of both networks and how popular IRC became in my little country around 2000. Every city, every village, every forum, everything... h…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 15
  • (Quote) Small edit. Don't mix the early separation of chaotic Anet and Eris-Free Network in 1990 (which was essentially just cleaning up a mess) with the later event known as "The Great Split", which occurred in 1996, resulting in EFnet an…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 15
  • @Not_Oles many sources have disappeared over time but here is some interesting reading that delve into historical details, tracing the development of various things from their early years up to 2005. Some things that appear completely illogical from…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 14
  • Hehe, yeah. My bad about Finnish/Swedish... The song was released 18 years ago, and my memory isn't what it used to be :) He released also an English version called "Now You're Gone" based on Boten Anna one year later, but since it's not …
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 12
  • One small, random piece of IRC folklore. Basshunter would hang out on his QuakeNet IRC channel, as many Finns did at that time, playing WoW and occasionally creating some silly music. There was this IRC bot, or so he thought, named Anna, residing i…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 12
  • Not sure what to do with this. It seems like just a random messed up snippet that happens to mention IRC for some reason.
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 12
  • That perspective is entirely incorrect when considering IPv6. IPv6 differs from IPv4, don't look at it through the lens of old IPv4 perspectives. Its design differs fundamentally. It's not about the number of individual /128 addresses or if you can…
  • Then you're not so "premium" as you want to believe. But don't worry, throughout history, there have always been retrogressive individuals who objected to changes, progress, and so on. (Quote)
  • (Quote) Get yourself a server in a semi-decent DC. We are in 21st century. Don't skimp on yourself.
  • (Quote) "According to Google's statistics, India has reached an IPv6 adoption level of around 68.94% in January 2023. As of 2022, APNIC placed India at more than 75% preferring IPv6. Countries including France, Germany and India now run the ma…
  • (Quote) NAT was developed as a temporary technology, not a permanent solution. It's not designed with new technologies and protocols in mind. It's a superficial, temporary solution to a problem that does not address or resolve the underlying cause o…
  • (Quote) This is not how IRC works. IRC can't be judged through modern platform glasses or compared with forums. The beauty of IRC is that anyone can join and start chatting. IRC itself does not require user account registrations. The original idea …
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 6
  • It's really not that important, but I can help you understand. :) (Quote) At the beginning, you want visitors. Locking the channel is counterproductive in that sense. The best analogy for +r would be a non-public/secret/locked forum where only regi…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 5
  • (Quote) It's still for registered only :P
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 5
  • (Quote) Irssi anytime. BitchX is essentially a glorified spawn of pre-historical ircII with numerous added scripts, many of which could get you banned from IRC channels if you fail to remove default settings (like public auto-away messages - people…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 5
  • (Quote) Well, it is compared to the good old IRCnet where server operators will directly tell you that channels and nicknames there aren't owned and they won't involve themselves in channel matters. EFnet is somewhat similar. Both share a unique, d…
    in IRC in 2024!? Comment by Mumbly April 2
  • (Quote) Exactly what I said!
  • (Quote) Fun fact: that blade is made from AUS-8 japanese steel, produced by Aichi Steel Corporation or as our Serbian friends say, "Srbija do Tokija"! :D
  • But you still don't get it, do you? Like I said, that's nothing but ad-thrashing because price isn't determined by your personal preferences, and that just sucks.